Network Meta-analysis of a Low FODMAP Diet for IBS
"A low FODMAP diet was significantly more efficacious than habitual diet for global IBS symptoms, and significantly more efficacious than BDA/NICE dietary advice for abdominal bloating or distension."Læs artiklen
The low FODMAP diet: fundamental therapy in the management of irritable bowel syndrome
“Applying the low FODMAP diet in IBS can greatly improve health and quality of life outcomes by alleviating or significantly improves symptoms.”Læs artiklen
A diet low in FODMAPs reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
“Bloating, pain, and passage of wind also were reduced while IBS patients were on the low-FODMAP diet. Patients of all IBS subtypes had greater satisfaction with stool consistency while on the low-FODMAP diet”Læs artiklen
Low-FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What We Know and What We Have Yet to Learn
“In a controlled, cross-over study of patients with IBS, a diet low in FODMAPs effectively reduced functional gastrointestinal symptoms. This high-quality evidence supports its use as a first-line therapy.”Læs artiklen